Rendering Optimization Project

Making websites visually appealing is one thing, but making responsive websites are another. Without a performant website, many visitors of the site will be unhappy and that means that I have failed my job as a website developer. This course teaches students the issues underlying many poorly performing websites, as well as valuable skills, such as using the “Chrome Developer Tools” to get rid of page jank.

For this project, I had to significantly optimize a janky website to achieve a performance of 60 frames per second. There were many hidden bugs that we had to discover using the tools learned from this course. This experience has helped me become acquainted with the Chrome Developer Tools, a powerful tool for developers with many features that I’ve never seen before.

Today, the Chrome Developer Tools plays an integral role in my life as a Front End Developer. Whenever there is an issue (such as certain elements not being displayed properly), or more importantly, poor performance from a website, I go to Chrome Developer Tools to find the cause (though Stack Overflow will always be handy every so often).

Here are some images of websites that we had to optimize/analyze as part of this course:

You can learn more at the Udacity course page.